Friday 30 March 2012


Above is our finished film opening Devious.

Evaluation Questions and last years moderators feedback

Below are the evaluation questions which we need to answer:

1. In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How does your film opening represent particular social groups?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your film opening and why?

4. Who would be the audience for your film opening?

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this film opening?

7. Looking back at your prelim task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final film opening?

Below is feedback from last years moderator:

"Planning and Research was of a proficient to excellent standard throughout and the candidates’ artefacts supported this. It is clear that candidates have been supported and encouraged to research the forms and conventions of genre as well as the industrial conventions associated with the opening of a feature film. Planning shows progression from an initial idea to final construction. The number of blog entries, and the use of ICT, was most impressive. Marking was generally in line with the agreed standard.

The constructions used forms and conventions appropriately, particularly through the use of idents and titles. The best work showed a good understanding for shot composition and used a range of shot types for effect. Most candidates had obviously very carefully considered mise-en-scene and the range of different styles were refreshing to watch.
However the evaluations were overmarked because the format chosen (video interviews embedded on blogs) was not fully exploited. Their brevity, particularly considering some were the work of up to four candidates, hindered them from discussing their responses in detail, and too often comments were superficial and not supported with appropriate examples. Candidates should remember that this component is worth as much as the Planning and Research, and this time should be reflected in their final evaluation.
This Centre has been a pleasure to moderate."

See?? It's not good practice to have all four of you in the one vid - but I think we ought to discuss the use of maybe a max of two of you - that way, at least a discussion of some sort could take place.


We've finally finished editing our film opening and uploaded it to Youtube and now we have to focus on our evaluation. Holly and I will work as a pair as we can make the evaluation more detailed and answer a question each. We are thinking of using footage from our film opening and still frames and edit them into our evaluation whilst we are answering the questions and we are looking to split the screen like the example below.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Section B related Articles


Here is an article about Netflix the american version of Lovefilm. Netflix has recently been launched in the UK and there is big competition between itself and the English streaming company Lovefilm as they are both competing to have the most subscribers.

Wednesday 21 March 2012


The clip below shows a physically disabled girl who is in a wheelchair, the girl acting alongside someone else all the time can represent the need for help in society which is counter typed with the girl being so clever and helpful.

In the clip below Jean from Eastenders, a bi-polar sufferer is conforming to the stereotypes of a mental person and she is acting in a peculiar and diverse manner compared to the non disabled person who is looking on in shock not knowing how to react which suggests that there is a need for non-disabled people to act in a different way when around a disabled person almost as if the disabled person is a child. They also tend to change their language and use shorter words as well as speaking slower which is more noticeable in the next clip.

This clip shows the disabled person segregating herself from the rest of the family, The producers may be trying to present her as inferior to the other characters because there is a role reversal of the mother and the daughter as the daughter is acting like the mature older character who is trying to comfort the mother who suffers from a mental disability.