Saturday 29 October 2011

Film Opening Idea

After a lengthy discussion with Miss Foster and the rest of our media class we have decided to use a horse in our film opening because not many people use animals in their films as they are hard to work with but we want to make our film different to every other horror film and make it stand out in a positive way and we want it to be a unique horror film

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Group Essay

We were given a group essay to complete during the half term based on a short clip of our choice and we have to complete the homework in our film opening groups and it is an exam question which asks how gender is represented through TV dramas. We will then exchange our essay with another group and complete their question based on their clip.We have almost completed this homework and are quiet proud of our work. Below is the video we have taken notes on and written an essay about

First Essay Attempt

Last week in media we took notes on a short Doctor Who clip and had to write an essay in exam conditions, The lesson after we got our marked essays back and I think I did quiet well considering it was my first try.
We also wrote three twenty five word pitches and decided to base our film opening on one of them and we want to make our film different and try something that a lot of people haven't tried but have not really decided what yet.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Our Film Opening Ideas

Here are 3 possible treatments in a 25 word pitch.

      1.    Scary thriller about friends who go camping but are met by an unexpected surprise; were they never told not to going into the woods alone?

     2.   Teen movie showing the unfortunate difficulties that life may bring, no one said growing up would be easy, as Sally finds out the hard way.

     3.    Everyone wants the perfect life and perfect family like Mollie Jackson, but behind closed doors is where the truth comes out and the heartache starts...

Monday 10 October 2011

First Vlog

Here is a two minute video of everything we've done so far in Media since September.

Friday 7 October 2011

First filming practise

Here is some footage we shot the first day we were given all our equipment, We edited it and added some strange music and a few special effects. We have also included a pan shot and a close up shot in this video.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Prelim Out takes

 Here is our groups outtakes, we used a variety of editing skills and I think it is extremely funny.

Filming Practise

During today's lesson we went into town and practised filming with the flip and tried using a few different shots, here is the edited footage.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Filming Practise

Yesterday Miss Foster gave us all our shooting equipment and a human sized bag to fit it all in, In my case i had to carry it and receive strange uncomfortable stares from strangers, She then sent us off to practise shooting and my group started off filming in the school playground then we filmed a long shot frame of Daisy and myself chasing a policeman, Shortly after we were being zombies in the graveyard and tried to fit in as many different shots as we could and we also practised panning shots and wide shots to fit in the mise en scene. I really enjoyed filming and taking part and cannot wait to start editing with my group.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Shots and Angles

Shot reverse shot:  this method is when a conversation is filmed from one characters point of view to the others then the first characters again, this represents the movement of the different characters.
This short clip shows Patrick and Denise having a conversation from each others point of view from 0:06 to 0:45

Cutaway: This is a shot which is reframed to present information that was previously outside the cameras view which often reveals something that was not as obvious before.

This is a cutaway image of Archie and the pub which has been edited so that only Archie is seen in the shot and the pub in the mise en scene.

slow motion: This is when a footage is slowed down to emphasise what is going on and looks at things in more detail.

Extreme Close up: A close up shot is a shot which fills the entire camera frame and signifies the detail used by  zooming in so much.

Long Shot: A long shot is used to get all of a persons body in and includes all the details it shows the head at the top of the frame and the feet at the bottom it also shows the characters body  language and all their reactions. it can also get all details of a scene in and emphasise on certain objects.

Two Shot: A two shot is a shot with two people in a frame and is usually used in two way conversations to focus on the people speaking and their reactions and facial expressions as well as body language it also focuses on the two people in the shot.

Aerial Shot: An aerial shot is a shot taken from high above like a helicopter, it is usually used at the beginning of a film or TV drama. Eastenders starts with an extreme close up of The Thames and zooms out in to an aerial shot of London and shows really clear detail of all the landmarks and building and the shape of the river.

Low Angle Shots: Low angle shots show a view of something from low down which makes it look  like the object or person is towering over the audience and makes the audience seem really little or can make the characters or objects look really big.

Canted Angle: This is when the camera is tilted to show imbalance and instability. these shots are often filmed by hand held cameras and are usually used in point of view shots.

Over The Shoulder: Shot: this shot focuses on someone speaking and focuses on one characters point of view as well as showing the shoulder or the back of the other character.

Pan: this is when the camera turns horizontally from a fixed position around the scene slowly and steadily which shows details and lets the character know what is happening. but it can also be a fast shot if there is adrenaline or its a shot where there is a lot of action and fast moving objects.

Rule of Thirds: This is a technique in camera framing where the camera is divided into sections to create reference points.

Diagetic Sound: This includes sounds that are meant to be heard by the characters like their voices and birds singing as well as music from headphones and stereos that are being played.

Voiceover: This is a narrator commenting on what is happening in the footage but is not actually a character in the scene.
Here is a short advert that includes a voiceover who explains what is happening the whole way through

Mid Shot: This is a shot that only shows the half a characters body, this is used a lot in TV dramas to concentrate on a characters body language and facial expressions and it also allows space in the frame for the mise en scene.

prelim exercise mac 4

Here is our prelim task which has been edited and this is the final version. Our group were really proud of ourselves for managing to film a whole clip and edit it and we think this was really cool.