Thursday 22 September 2011

This film opening is one of my favourites because it is really interesting and I really enjoyed watching it. The song fit in with the film opening and with what was going on but the song was not their own it was from another film. Also there is a green screen at the beginning that is only used at the beginning of trailers which was not good because it was meant to be a film opening not a trailer. I also think it was too long because the running time was 3:17 and the limit was only two minutes and the ending was given away which makes it look like a trailer even more.

I liked the different effects used like the title typed up with a typewriter because most other groups used the special effects from the macs, I also liked the flashes of the dancing ballerina because it adds emphasis to the title. There were many different shots used such as extreme close ups of the boy's shoe when he stepped out of the car which made it look more suspicious and mysterious, they also used long shots of the girl which made it look like the boy was spying on her from behind and there were long shots of the two of them which were intended to make it obvious that he was following her. In addition I liked the low key lighting because it represented that it was not going to be a happy opening and I liked the shot of both characters running in opposite directions because it was unusual and different to most other groups

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