Tuesday 17 January 2012

New Film Opening Idea- Red Riding Hood

After weeks and weeks of struggling over a genre and storyline for our film opening and forever changing our minds, my group and I have finally come to a decision as to what our film opening will be about. At the start of the lesson we were thinking of modernising Little Red Riding Hood and having a voiceover of a girl explaining how she got kidnapped which was sort of like a film that begins with the end and many good films have voiceovers and start at the end such as Lovely Bones, Limitless and Juno. By having a voiceover the audience understand what is going on better because it is like the film is seen from a characters perspective. It is also like someone is telling a story.
We then were thinking of lots of different things to happen during the two minutes of Red Riding Hood but we kept on going down the cliche route of tripping over a twig and/or hearing something odd and out of place and we also remembered that Little Red Riding Hood was already released as a film early last year and we want our film to be original. Below is the trailer for Red Riding Hood.

Below is an example of a snorricam and it was also used in The Hangover, We were planning on using something like this with our Red Riding Hood idea

Below is the trailer to Limitless and it is an example of a film that uses a voiceover.

Here is the trailer for The Lovely Bones which is also narrated

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