Monday 20 February 2012

The high angle shot of the pink duvet and pink pictures hanging on the wall can represent the man as feminine as he is aware of the type of bed sheets and men would not really know about things like that. 
The scene begins with a non diegetic up tempo sound as he is tidying up with a smile on his face, this can represent the jolly atmosphere in the room due to gay man.

The sudden cut from the non diegetic music to a diegetic ring of a doorbell represents the change in atmosphere.

The diegetic script of the heterosexual woman saying ‘good luck’ may represent her not thinking homosexuals are as good with kids as heterosexual men.
Camera angles shots, movement, composition
There are various jump cut shots of him tidying away early in the morning which signifies gay men having to play the traditional role of a housewife as well as getting on with their other roles.
The mid shot from various different angles  of the gay man being inside the house and the woman being outside the door represents a segregation of heterosexuals and homosexuals as they are separated which may show them being different to each other when in fact they are not.

Neither of the men are feminine and they both look like normal heterosexual friends which gives off a true reflection of gay people as they do not label themselves in society because they are just like everyone else.

The non diegetic sound of low tempo music helps set the scene and informs the audience that they are a couple.

Camera angles, movement, composition
Match on action is used when they are having a conversation to show each other’s reaction to the speech being shared with each other.
The opening shot is a long shot which shows the distance between the couple, their shoulders are brushing which tells the audience that they have an usually close bond with each other.

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